The Packages screen allows the user to group the improvements created on the Improvements screen. This screen displays all the packages in the project. You may add, edit or delete existing packages and calculate package energy and dollar savings.


Calculate Package:

Select a package and click this button to run the calculations for the selected package.

Calculate All Packages:

This button can be used to run calculations for all the packages you created.

Note: Package SIR is displayed as NC if at least one improvement in the package does not have calculated results.

Edit Financial Information: 

This button opens a window that allows the user to modify values required to calculate SIR and cash flow.

Delete Package:

Select a package and click this button to remove it. This does not delete the improvements created on Improvements screen and included in the package, it just deletes the way that they are grouped.

To create or modify a package, click the Add Package and Edit Package buttons to open the Package Wizard screen.

Copy Package:

This button creates a copy of the selected package.

Package Name:

Edit the default package name in this box.

Annual Savings $, Payback Years and SIR:

Presented for each Improvement on the Package Wizard screen; these values are adjusted to account for interaction between improvements in the package. These values are different from the non-interacted, independent values presented on the Improvements screen for the same improvement. TREAT uses the following steps to estimate interacted savings:

  • Calculate BTU savings for each improvement in the package. Savings for each fuel and each end use are calculated separately. The end use categories in TREAT are heating, cooling, lighting, appliances, domestic hot water and other. The other category includes such uses as a circulation pump for domestic hot water. If there are two fuels in the project, then 6(end uses) × 2(fuels) = 12 values are calculated for each improvement.
  • Add up the savings for each end use and each fuel calculated in the previous step for all improvements in the package. These values represent the total package savings without accounting for interaction of improvements in the package.
  • Calculate BTU package savings for each fuel and each end use by subtracting the corresponding package usage from the base building usage. These are the actual savings in the package that include interaction.
  • Calculate the interaction penalty for each end use and each fuel by dividing package savings that include interaction (that were obtained in step 3) by non-interacted package savings that were obtained in step 2.
  • Interacted improvement savings are calculated for each fuel and each end use as the product of the individual improvement savings calculated in step 1 and the interaction penalty from step 4. The individual values are then added together to obtain the total interacted improvement savings.
Note: Interacted savings may be less than, equal to or greater than individual improvement savings. Consider a package that has two improvements – a heat plant improvement and an infiltration reduction improvement. Reduced infiltration will decrease the heating load which will result in reduced savings from the heat plant improvement and reduced interacted savings for both improvements. Next consider a package with a heat plant improvement and a lighting improvement. Reduced lighting wattage will increase the heating load, resulting in increased savings from the improved heat plant improvement. In this case the interacted savings for the heat plant improvement may be higher and the interacted savings for the lighting improvement may be lower. It is often hard to anticipate the effect of interaction since the building is a complex physical system with multiple inter-related processes occurring simultaneously. You may enter notes in the Notes field and select the check box to the right if you want the notes to appear on the Improvement Packages report.

If you have already calculated the savings for your improvements, those calculation results will show on the Package Wizard screen. Otherwise, you may select an individual improvement and click the Calculate Improvement button to run calculations for it. Click Calculate All Improvements in Packageto run calculations for each improvement and the package itself.

Keep in mind that the sum of improvement savings is usually not equal to the package savings. This happens due to the interaction between the improvements.


You have entered two improvements – installation of new high efficiency heating system and weather-stripping to reduce infiltration losses. The second improvement reduces building heating load, which decrease the savings from improved heating efficiency.

Add or Remove Improvements in this Package:

This button will allow you to add or remove user created improvements in a specific package button. A new window will open:

The left panel of the window contains all the improvements in the project that are not yet included in this package sorted by the SIR value. The right panel contains improvements that are already included in the package. Total cost of the package is shown at the bottom of the right panel. Move the improvements that you want to include in this package to the right panel. Click the Save button to save your selection, create the package, and close the window.

TREAT verifies that the improvements in the right panel can be combined in a single package. For example TREAT will display an error message and will not save your selection if you have mistakenly included two primary heating system replacements in a single package.