To Upgrade TREAT:

In order to upgrade to the newest version of TREAT you MUST have an active support license. For information on how to renew your license see To Renew TREAT Support.

  1. If you do not already have one, make a backup copy of all your TREAT project files, maybe on the desktop or on an external drive.
  2. Open the older version of TREAT and take note of the license key.
  3. Deactivate your older version of TREAT by selecting the registration drop down menu .
  4. Use the Windows control panel applet to uninstall the older version of TREAT.
  5. Download the TREAT 3.4 30-day trial by visiting the TREAT Store.
  6. Fill in the registration form and click Submit. You will see a download link for the current version of TREAT.
  7. After the executable downloads, launch your new version of TREAT.
  8. Click Registration on the top right side of the software.
  9. Click Activate Upgrade
  10. When prompted, copy and paste your license key into the License Key field.
  11. Close and restart TREAT to complete licensing.
  12. Save a copy of your license key in a place that is handy.